封じられた森・金鹿の学級 The Sealed Forest (Golden Deer)
(封じられた森 昼)
The Sealed Forest | Daytime
クロード: この先が封じられた森だ。見通しも悪いから、みんな警戒してくれ。
Claude: The Sealed Forest is up ahead. Visibility is awful there, so everyone needs to be extra cautious.
ヒルダ: クロードくん、よくわかるねー。全部、森じゃない。
Hilda: You seem to know a lot about it. It is just a forest, isn't it?
クロード: なに、前にここも探ったことが……あ、いや、何でもない。
Claude: Have you been there too? Oh… Never mind.
Listen, just like I told the archbishop, this is not a war of vengeance. It's a riddle, so to speak.
Those guys are undoubtedly planning something terrible. We need some kind of clue as to what.
The attack on the Holy Mausoleum. Flayn's kidnapping. That foul business in Remire. The Demonic Beasts at the chapel…
It can't go on. We need to figure out their objective and stop them from achieving it. That's our mission.
ローレンツ: フッ、使命とは大きく出たな。だが、その言葉は嫌いじゃない。
Lorenz: So, we have our mission now. We had better not fail.
リシテア: 難しい使命ですが、わたしたちなら大丈夫。必ずやり遂げましょう!
Lysithea: It is a difficult task, but we will succeed.
フレン: わたくしを救ってくださった先生に、ご恩返しする時が来たのですわね……!
Flayn: It is time to repay the kindness of the professor who saved my life!
イグナーツ: 目的のわからない敵というのは、それだけで恐ろしいですからね。
Ignatz: An enemy whose objective you don't understand is a frightening prospect.
ラファエル: 悪い奴らを根こそぎぶっ飛ばす!それが! オデたちの使命!
Raphael: We're gonna destroy 'em! It's our mission!
レオニー: 何でもいいけど、わたしは仇を討つよ。それだけは譲れない。絶対に……!
Leonie: I will have my revenge, whatever it takes. On that, I will never budge.
マリアンヌ: レオニーさん……そうですね……。
Marianne: Leonie… You will have what you seek.
クロード: ま、目的を探ると言っても敵に手心を加えるような余裕は俺たちにゃない。
Claude: I'll admit, vengeance sounds pretty nice. But don't forget that we're here for information.
Luckily, we can easily find what we're looking for while getting revenge for Jeralt. Right, Teach?